
Showing posts from July, 2021

General medicine assessment

  I am,Pakker vaishnavi ,MBBS 3rd semester holding roll no 99  QUESTION1: The case done by my closest number was neurology. Review:All the chief complaints of the patient, History and Investigations of the patient are thoroughly explained.The Diagnosis of the patient was very well explained.The above elog was relevant in respective to the case with all the fine details. QUESTION 2: QUESTION 3: This is the case ofAcute kidney injury( AKI)  2° to UTI, associated with Denovo - Pateint is the know case of hypertion, Diabetes mellitus.Patient had sudden onset of pain in abdomen  By burning micturation with high fever : grade associated with chills and rigor  Decrease urine output associated with SOB (grade -4) With no H/O chest pain, palpitations,


 Pakker vaishnavi  Roll no : 99 Below is an E-log describing patient centered data approach and discussion regarding patient de- identified health data                                            this e log is made under the guidance of Dr madhumita (intern) CASE HISTORY: 64 yr old male patient came to casuality  CHIEF COMPLAINTS: drowsiness  Confusion in the afternoon after he came from work  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: drowsiness  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: no history of fall  No history of seizure like activity,LOC No history  of focal signs of weakness  History of similar complaints in the past  One episode 6 months ago  One episode 1yr back  N/k/c diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tb ,asthma ,epilepsy  ,CAD PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet- mixed Appetite- normal Sleep- adequate  Bowel and bladder movements- regular Addictions: alcoholic since 7 yrs, consumes 180ml per day  GENERAL EXAMINATION: Patient is drowsy Vitals- PR=96bpm,  RR= 16cpm Temp= 96F BP= 140/90  GRBS= 116 mg/dl. No signs of pal

General Medicine Assessment

 I am,Pakker vaishnavi  ,MBBS 3rd semester holding roll no 99  QUESTION:1                       Case: A 55 yr old female  patient  CHIEF COMPLAINTS  •shortness of breath   • pedal edema • Facial puffiness  HISTORY: •diabetes mellitus since 8yrs •anemia and took iron injections 5 yrs ago  • generalized weakness since 1 month •hypertension  • pedal edema, facial puffiness since 15 days  INVESTIGATIONS: •2d echo •ecg • abg levels • serum iron • serum electrolytes  • lft • rft • chest x ray • hrct DIAGNOSIS: Acute exacerbation of COPD associated with right heart failure and bronchiectasis.                               COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly referred to as COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases.                             BRONCHIECTASIS  condition in which the lungs' airways become damaged, making it hard to clear mucus. Bronchiectasis may result from an